People do what they know to do. They would do otherwise if they knew another way. In obedience to Romans 12: 1-2 most believers in Christ want to present themselves…
Be Strong
I walked into church with the heaviness of this week’s circumstances. Circumstances that broke my heart and irritated old wounds. This week hurt bad. I found myself battling thoughts such…
The Internal Workings of a People Pleaser
I yearn for silence and solitude. For a quiet time in communion with God. My reality is one of rushing, constant noise, over stimulation. I reach for stillness. I can…
The Hard Truth
Telling people, the truth should be easy, right? Surprisingly, I am finding it very difficult. The years spent conforming to the world have created a web of lies so deep,…
Sin Management
Let’s be honest. The management of sin is a big focus of human life. To be aware of sin operating in our life is uncomfortable. As a believer, I am…
How One Hour with God Transformed my Life
The single best decision I made leading up to 2019 was a decision to carve out time to spend with God daily. Prior to that I definitely had God in…
An Audience of One
This topic consumes me. It’s all I write, think and pray about. To the point of making me wonder if once delivered from it, will anything remain for me in…
Difficult Revelation
The Lord has been working to get my attention on this for at least a year. Suddenly, this week, it hit me like a ton of bricks. The wind was…
How Confidence is Killing Me
Stop Over-Analyzing I’ve often been told, “Laurence! Stop over analyzing everything.” “You need to learn to go with the flow.” While over analyzing may not be a good thing, I’ve…
Fill My Cup
Life without God is excruciating. It’s absolutely horrible. Sure, there is the bit about what happens to us after we die but I’m not talking about that part. I’m talking…