Hi Guys!
My name is Laurence. I’ve always loved journaling and increasingly so in the last few years. Something so magnificent is happening in my life and heart. I received a revelation from God that has changed my life and how I relate to him. I want to share it with the world.
I spent so many years focusing on salvation as the forgiveness of sin. I spent years hearing that my old self was crucified with Christ and that I should no longer be a slave to sin. In my life however, I did not see that reality. I spent years crying at the feet of Jesus, frustrated; lacking understanding. I’m finally starting to understand that salvation is so much more than forgiveness of sin.
If that was all salvation was about, without sin we would have no need for God. – ridiculous! The forgiveness of sin is so that, we are reconciled to God. The forgiveness of sin is so that, we can have life. That’s the gospel… that’s the good news. So now rather than focusing my efforts on understanding forgiveness of sin, I can focus on understanding how to live a life in relationship to God. I thank the Lord for increasingly pulling me into His Kingdom, teaching me the culture of His Kingdom. Living in his Kingdom produces, joy, peace, patience, kindness…. You know the rest!
Follow my journey as I follow Him – My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.