I’ve described my 2019 journey as the most difficult, most wonderful year I’ve ever had. Time and time again, I reflect on how difficult it has been to move out of the world culture and how wonderful it has been to move into the Kingdom of God.
I’ve described this year has difficult because it was. It was, but that season is over. The Lord has taught me to obey his command in the midst of my pain. I’ve learned to yield to his will when my emotions tell me different. He has delivered me from so much. I’m transitioning. To call this next chapter difficult, will no longer fit.
There is power in my tongue and I choose to speak life. I choose to use it to celebrate and focus on my position under God. I choose to celebrate my prosperity and my joy in Christ. I am so thankful to be in a position to hear the voice of the Lord. But oh the drama I can conjure up in my mind; the inner turmoil I have amidst conversations with myself.
This stops today. I will no longer indulge my pity parties. To continue this practice would give too much honor to my flesh. The Lord has equipped me for this next portion of my journey. It’s time to walk. I’m walking out this joyous journey.
Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.
Galatians 5:24-25