Slow Down

Slow Down

I’ve always been a fast eater … and I can eat a lot! You would think as someone who was taught to eat by my French family, my eating habits would be different. When it tastes good ….and it usually does (I’m not a picky eater) I just can’t slow down. I eat so fast that by the time I realize I’m full, I’ve overeaten by a ton.

I remember in middle school going to my best friend’s house (yes Tracy, I’m talking about your house) for dinner. Everyone ate so slowly. They talked as they ate. Honestly, I could barely focus on the conversation. I was too focused on pacing myself, slowing down enough to match their pace. In my mind, I was watching. “Ok, he took a bite. Now I can.” It was that unnatural for me to eat slowly. It was completely out of my norm.

The Never Ending Buffet

I haven’t changed. I’m the same with God. Getting to know Him and His Kingdom is so magnificent. It tastes so good! I just want to inhale it. Taking it all in at once. However, unlike food… I can’t. I’m unable to finish my plate because each time I eat of it; Each time I get closer to His Kingdom and see it more clearly, it seems bigger than before. The closer I get, the more I realize how little I know of it. It makes me pick up speed; running faster and faster towards it.

I hear the Lord saying, “Slow down my child. Take a bite (pause) chew (pause) savor Me (pause) notice the different flavors and textures. I am not to be skimmed over in haste, looking for the pieces you’re interested in. Slow down. Do not be afraid to slow down and enjoy Me. Enjoy getting to know Me. I am with you here, now and forever.”

Be Patient My Child

He is not teaching me to be slow, He is teaching me to be patient. For the bible says,

With the Lord, a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:8-9

Laurence is the founder of She desires to share her journey with Christ in order to point others to him.